Character Spotlight: Krillin

Character Spotlight: Krillin

Not everyone is cut out to be the biggest and the strongest. That doesn’t make them any less of a character. Krillin may very well be one of the most powerful human beings in all of the Dragon Ball series. How does a human get involved with gods and aliens in fights for the fate of the universe? Let’s find out!

Krillin was just a child, training in martial arts, when he found his path with Master Roshi and the Turtle School. Here, he met life-long friends, Goku and Bulma. Krillin became party to their adventures as they searched for Dragon Balls while Krillin and Goku trained under Master Roshi. Facing off against foes like the Red Ribbon Army and King Piccolo, Krillin would meet many threats. In fact, it was during the battle with Piccolo that Krillin would die, for the first time. Thanks to the magic of the Dragon Balls, Krillin was able to be resurrected. This would not be the last time Krillin or his friends would face death and resurrection.

Time would pass and while Krillin would grow in power, some of his friends would surpass him thanks to their alien heritage. This didn’t stop Krillin from joining them, side-by-side, to face off against threats to the Earth. He would often go into battle, knowing he was greatly outmatched but needing to try and help his friends as best he could. Whether it was Goku’s brother, alien dictators, androids, cyborgs, or magical beings, Krillin would stand at the ready to help his friends. In fact, when it came to one enemy, Android 18, who was actually a cyborg enhanced to be a powerful fighter, the two would fall in love and have a daughter, Marron, together.

While Krillin isn’t really capable of going toe-to-toe with the major threats that his friends can go up against, he was still capable of wiping out the lower-level grunt armies that these threats wielded. This was often how Krillin proved his worth in fights; in clearing out the masses, he allowed his friends to focus on the leaders who needed to be dealt with on a one-to-one basis. Though he may not have been able to surpass his friends, he was able to work alongside Master Roshi and even go beyond his teachings at times.

There you have it! Krillin is a main character of the Dragon Ball saga and while he may have had his role in major fights diminished over time, his importance to the team was still present. He’s been animated on the big and small screen and been in countless video games. See you next time!

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