There are times when the most powerful and well known heroes can’t take on a threat by themselves. Even the best need help sometimes, the Justice League of America is for those occasions. How did they form and what kind of threat was there to deal with that needed such a union? Let’s find out!
An alien invasion was threatening the planet. Whether they were Appellaxian or Martian, their attack meant that heroes took notice. Flash, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman were present, there are accounts that heroes such as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and many others would also arrive to help or were there from the start but accounts change over the years.
Realizing that the world needed a team like this for other strange threats that no single one of them could take on, they set up a headquarters in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island inside of a mountain. They would eventually grow in size, and scope, create a satellite in space orbiting the Earth to literally watch over everyone in their Watchtower.
While they were the Justice League of America, they made it very clear by this point that they were the protectors of Earth and any other planets who made need their help. This caused frictions with many governments back on Earth. A group of powerful beings hanging out high above all others can make one a bit paranoid.
There would be teams of some of the most powerful entities who would join and other times it would be incredibly skilled athletes and combatants willing to face the odds. The teams would face inner turmoil as well as intergalactic threats. Sometimes journeys took them all over the universe, the mind, and beyond.
The team roster would grow and shrink as members would come and go pending on their own lives or how they felt the League was being run. Sometimes the League would be shut down and new splinter teams would form to take over or compete with what remained of the original course. No matter what happened, though, eventually the Justice League would rebuild and there would be a team of heroes ready to fight against any and all threats of the people.
There you have it! The Justice League of America is one of the most well known super teams in all of comics. They’ve been animated several times over and even had a film on the big screen. The rosters may change but the goal is the same, protecting people when no one hero can do it alone. See you next time!

Suggested Reading
Brave and the Bold #28
Justice League of America
Dr. Bustos