What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about others? Would you travel? Would you find exquisite eats? Gon, the little orange dinosaur gets to figure out what he wants to do every day. So who is this little guy and what does he do? Let’s find out!

Gon is a creature that appears to be anywhere from knee-high to the size of a brown bear’s nose. He’s immensely strong, capable of biting through nearly anything if he puts enough force behind it. His teeth aren’t razor sharp so it’s pure force that rips through anything he sets his mind to. He’s also able to lift creatures many times bigger than him with no effort at all.

Along with his strength, Gon is nearly impervious to all harm but is still sensitive in his own way. He can take a beating and be unphased by the likes of claw attacks, being thrown into tree trunks, crash landing onto hard dirt, but then be able to feel the sensation of a leaf falling onto him or the sting of a bug biting the inside of his nose.

Sleeping is his favorite pastime, followed by eating. He is like a mirror of ourselves. Sometimes these activities mean other animals, often big, scary predators, will be laid low by dealing with the desires of Gon. Once high and mighty beasts are trapped to follow Gon’s whims, lest they die in the process. Gon can be a bit of a jerk.

Often times, Gon befriends other animals who are kind to him. He does his best to keep his friends safe but can forget that not everyone is as tough as he is. This often can lead to an adventure all its own with the poor friend barely making it out alive but still happy to have experienced it.

There’s no one place Gon lives, beyond just “the wilds” of the world. He can be anywhere from islands, to great plains, to the savanna, and beyond. Where Gon is, other animals tend to be prevalent. He doesn’t speak any language but is able to communicate with other animals through body gestures and acts of kindness or violence.

There you have it! Gon isn’t known for epic adventures, just fun little series of events that can happen to a weird creature. He’s been in video games, including Tekken! He’s had an anime and a movie is supposedly in the works. Who knows where we’ll see the little orange dino next? See you next time!
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