Sometimes you just need a giant dragon man. Fin Fang Foom is that dragon man. Technically, not a dragon, but he is dragon-looking and that’s what matters. So, what is Fin Fang Foom? Let’s find out!

Somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy lies the planet, Kakaranathara, here, the Makluans dwell. This species are shapeshifting reptile beings, dragon-like in appearance. A majority of their people were peaceful and did not seek harm to anyone. There were a rare few who did seek to conquer other worlds, several uniting to fly to other world’s seeking to rule them.

One such crew found their way to Earth, centuries ago, landing in China. Using their shapeshifting powers, the crew decided to walk humanity as humans to better infiltrate them. Being long-lived, they could play the long game of gaining power within human societies over time. Just to be extra safe, their navigator, Fin Fang Foom, would stay behind and go into a hibernation state in case the others failed or required assistance.

Time went by and Foom found himself awakened for several different reasons, often seeking to go back to sleep to ensure the safety of his mission. Foom’s awakenings often led to dragon sightings as he did not change form like his companions had. The original home of his tomb was referred to as the Valley of the Sleeping Dragon because of his rare excursions in the past. During a brief time, Foom would be kidnapped by the Collector and forced to fight his way back to Earth. Eventually, Foom would get awakened during Earth’s Age of Heroes.

It was here that his awakening was caused by the Mandarin, who had learned of the ship’s engine rings from its former captain. Foom would awaken and the Mandarin sought to use this to his advantage, threatening the Chinese government with Foom. Iron Man would try to step in but it would take the arrival of the other Makluans, finally shedding their human forms and working with Foom for Iron Man and the Mandarin to work together.

Iron Man and the Mandarin would unite their powers to create a small nuclear blast, wiping out all of the Makluans. This was not the end of Foom though, his mind lived on and was able to posses a human child who helped bring Foom a new body, formed from thousands upon thousands of lizards from New York City. Though he was able to be made anew, Iron Man was still able to defeat him and put a stop to him.

This death, resurrection, and loss of his former crewmates had Foom spending some of his time rethinking what he would do with his life. Sometimes he would try and fight and conquer the world but other times, he sought to be more like the Makluans he had left behind, peaceful. In one such venture, he had Reed Richards turn him human and rewrite his mind to believe he was a chef, this didn’t last but may have left a mark in his mind.

While he would sometimes end up working against or with heroes, he eventually decided to free himself of the anger and malice he felt. This shrank him and left him in a weakened state while creating whole new Makluans who embodied his old angers. Foom fled to Avengers Mountain, seeking help, and was met by the Agents of Wakanda who would take on these deadly Makluans while Foom hid. It would be the Brood mutant, Broo, who talked Foom into confronting his former inner demons head on. Foom was able to absorb them once more but was overwhelmed and ready to fight the Agents, only to have Broo once again talk him down, thanking the team and leaving them be.

There you have it! Fin Fang Foom has been a part of Marvel comics history since the silver age and always been a good giant monster to deal with. He’s appeared animated on the big and small screen. Where he’ll end up next is anyone’s guess! See you next time!

Suggested Reading
Strange Tales #89
Iron Man
Beta Ray Bill
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda
Marvel Holiday Special
Hulk Vs. Fin Fang Foom
Dr. Bustos