Character Spotlight: Batman Inc.

Character Spotlight: Batman Inc.

Inspiration is a funny thing, it might make you get a brand new idea from what you’ve witnessed. Other times, it can have you asking, why don’t I do that too? Batman Inc is a combination of the two reactions. One man started something, others thought they should do it too. He saw them and realized they could all help each other as they helped their communities. So what is Batman Inc. and is it really just a lot of bat cowls on the payroll? Let’s find out!

When Bruce Wayne was just a kid, he watched his parents gunned in front of him. Traumatized, he tried to make sense of the world he lived in. He made a vow, one only a child would make but only an adult could keep, to do everything in his power to fight crime. Thankfully, Bruce was extremely wealthy and he began his journey to train himself to be a perfect crime fighter. He would use his wealth and influence by his own name and face, to fund charities and help try and rebuild the city and world he wanted to help. He realized this world he lived in was even more bizarre though, even if you could feed and house everyone, some weirdo with face paint or a ray gun would threaten the world.

Taking his own greatest fear from before his parent’s death, bats, he forged a new identity, Batman. Using his wealth, he would also fun an arsenal of gadgets and vehicles to use his training as a crime fighter to stop crime by another path as well. An absurd idea worked out absurdly well. Some thought of Batman as an elemental force, a boogeyman, others saw him for what he was, just a man with terrifying skills and determination. There were those who upon realizing Batman was a man in a mask, he inspired them.

All over the world, people began to don their own masks and costumes, identities to protect themselves from criminal retaliation. They would dedicate themselves to their communities as best they could. Rich or poor, they’d find a way to become masked heroes, some even donning their own take on the Batman identity, others making their own way.

Then Bruce Wayne died, well, so it was believed, his weird adventures in protecting everyone he could took him through time. When he was able to return to the present, he realized that he had the ability to be doing even more with his crusade against crime and villainy. He would go to these other heroes, and unite them by funding them and giving them a network of support. He could even help places that desperately needed heroes, gain some. Batman Incorporated was born.

While he was presumed dead, his former sidekick, who had become a hero in his own right, Dick Grayson had taken the mantle of Batman and worked with Bruce’s son, Damian Wayne who was not Batman’s sidekick, Robin. While those two would protect Gotham City, Bruce’s home city, he would travel the world to meet with these heroes to invite them to join his team. There was another incentive to start this team that Bruce did not admit until it was necessary.

During his time-spanning adventure, he had witnessed a future where his son, Damian, had been living in a Gotham City in ruin and everyone died. He saw that Damian’s mother, Talia al Ghul, would orchestrate and entire conspiracy against Bruce and their son, since the boy had chosen his father’s path and not hers. Batman Inc had another unstated mission, unmake that possible future, save Damian and the world all in one go.

Then things got more complicated as the team was realizing just how massive Talia’s power and machinations had become. Battling threats across the planet, of this conspiracy, Leviathan, they were tiring their numbers. No longer just protecting their communities from crime, they were at war with an evil organization with members in nearly every form of infrastructure across the planet. Eventually it became clear that they needed to confront Talia but leave Damian out of it as he was the main target.

Sadly, Batman Incorporated would lose members in the fight, including Damian who had snuck in to help. To make matters worse, the killer of Damian was a clone of himself, made into a massive monster. Nearing full defeat, Talia was killed by outside forces and Batman Inc. was dissolved as an official organization. Several of the heroes had formed friendships though so they decided to continue working together of their own accord.

There you have it! Batman Inc. was an interesting time in comics and brought attention many new and interesting characters as well as older ones who had been out of the limelight for quite some time. Will we ever see a company resurgence? Who knows? See you next time!

Suggested Reading
Batman Inc. Vol. 1 &2
Batman Inc. Leviathan Strikes!

Dr. Bustos

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