Marvel Reviews: Deathlok #4

The new Deathlok series is walking weird line for me. There is definitely awesome action, gorgeous artwork from Mike Perkins and several interesting ideas at play setting up Deathlok for some compelling adventures in the future. The only problem is this book has yet to cash in on any of the promise it has been seeding. One could almost be forgiven for picking up a single issue, reading it, being content and not feeling compelled to read anymore.

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Marvel Reviews: Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #9

This issue draws to a close the story of Jefferson Davis, Miles’ father and his history with the hidden world of the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Miles's father who spent a few months out of the narrative after finding out that his son was the new Spider-Man and therefore involved in the death of both his wife and his brother, appeared abruptly back into the web swingers life in the middle of a brand new firestorm being set up by Marvel writer god Brian Michael Bendis which includes a resurrected Peter Parker and a seemingly immortal Goblin.

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New Daredevil Poster: “A City Without Hope, A Man Without Fear”

Netflix's partnership with Marvel is starting to bear fruit: A new poster for the Daredevil series exclusive to Netflix hit the interwebs today. Sent out on Marvel's twitter account (@Marvel) the promotional art for the series comes hot on the heels of the well recieved Agent Carter debut and a full fledge Ant-Man trailer along with a release date; April 10th exclusively to Netflix.

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