From Friendly Ghosts To Gamma Rays: Hotstuff, Mickey Mouse and More!

Happy Halloween and welcome, you little ghosts and goblins, to this week's edition of From Friendly Ghosts to Gamma Rays!!!!!! First item of the week is the following: I don't…

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From Friendly Ghosts To Gamma Rays: Godzilla, Beetle Bailey and More!!!

I have issues with Scooby-Dum. Most people have issues with Scrappy-Doo. I don't mind Scrappy or his non-stop use of the phrase "Puppy Power!", no I feel the real issue…

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From Friendly Ghosts To Gamma Rays: Marvelman, Santo and much more!

If I was an exotic male dancer, there are plenty of songs that I could choose which would be fitting for this career. Cum On Feel The Noize by Quiet…

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