Titan Reviews: The Cat With A Really Big Head (HC)

Titan Reviews: The Cat With A Really Big Head (HC)


The Cat With A Really Big Head
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Roman Dirge
Artist: Roman Dirge &  Adam Bolton
Cover: Roman Dirge & Adam Bolton

The Cat With A Really Big Head is the first of three stories and while they have their varying degrees of enjoyment each one stands out from the next. The title makes it plainly obvious what the first story is about and Dirge wastes no time throwing you into the madness. The daily activities of Cat are pretty hilarious but aside from the story itself it’s the expressions on his face throughout that are hilarious. From being newly born to getting stuck in the pet door the struggles of Cat are both sad and funny. The other characters, Molly and Max add another level of comedy that helps mix things up. His views on Molly in particular add to a few more humorous moments along the way.

The next two stories carry a bit of a darker tone but that’s where Dirge makes them shine. A Big Question centers around an undead girl who follows The Autopsy Man around seeking some answers. The heavier subject matter and questions of morality are still handled in perfect Dirge fashion with a pretty simple and humorous answer. The final story is relatable to anyone who’s been on the wrong end of the end of a break-up in The Monsters In My Tummy. A more personal story here that takes you through what went on inside of the author’s body during that time.

His artwork is just as imaginative as his words and most of the time it’s clearly evident the can tell a very effective story with just his pictures. Every emotion needed is nailed and he hits the perfect beats to keep you laughing or ponder, if only for a moment, something serious. Adam Bolton’s colors enhance the art here and really makes that newborn kitten slime shine.

There’s plenty of writers in comics that can make you laugh but none do it like Roman Dirge. If you’re a fan of his work on Lenore then this is something that you have to add to your collection. If you’re just a fan of dark humor and don’t mind something a little twisted at times then check out The Cat With A Really Big Head and whatever else Dirge has worked on!

Infinite Speech


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