Dark Horse Reviews: Buzzard #1

Buzzard #1

Featuring: Billy the Kid’s Old Timey Oddities

Dark Horse Comics – June 2010
Stories and Art by:
Eric Powell and Kyle Hotz
Colors by:
Dave Stewart and Dan Brown
Letters by:
Eric Powel and Nate Piekos

*Note: I am really only going to fully breakdown the main Buzzard Story. I will touch on the Billy the Kid’s Old Timey Oddities story at the end of the review.

Ah good ol’ Eric Powell, how we all miss your unique style. For those not familiar with Eric’s work, I wonder when it was you crawled out from under that rock, because his stuff has been everywhere! In all seriousness though, Eric has a great style that merges what I consider to be the classic horror look with a more modern touch. The modern part of course being a more flat edge style that we see in today’s books. The other nice touch you find with Eric’s work is the subtle scenes packed with detail. At times I think I am looking at just another panel, but as I really look at it I find a treasure chest of beauty. So on top of that we add in some amazing color work that just flows so well with the style of art. I feel like this whole thing could be hung at an art museum to showcase its nice watercolor appearance. So with all of that said, the lettering in the main story just comes across to me as dull. I don’t like the feel of a marker style font with this. I think it takes away from the beauty of the work. When you have actual speech balloons, they fit in perfectly with the style, but the monologue spots just don’t fit if you ask me.

This was different than what I expected going in. Yes I am familiar with the main character, so I do know his motivations and what he’s mostly all about. For those of you who don’t know much about Buzzard, you get a nice recap of sorts at the beginning of this issue. What kind of threw me off though was the change in tone as the story progressed. The opening monologue actually came off as kind of poetic as you get a feel for the man and start to care a little. Then you hit the middle of the story and it begins to have a shift to the kind of style we would expect to find in The Goon. So is it really good or bad, that this takes place? Well I think that the way the story was progressing you were able to dive into the characters soul and really understand how he sees things. Then when the jump occurs, you’re treated to a more fun filled, crazy antic approach that I would say is the nature I think most expected to find here. Nothing is taken away, but it does in retrospect, feel almost like two different stories.

Dying Breath:
So how does it all come together? Very nicely actually! I know that I kinda of complained about the story a little, but it does give the reader what they should expect from Powell. We have seen him approach his stories with the dark overtone that is filled with sadness, madness and humor before, so this is just on the same point as before. The artwork is fantastic, and really can carry this book on its spine all by itself. A great monologue and some funny lines make this one a winner in my book. I just think it is as simple as knowing what to expect and then getting treated to a new story.

Billy the Kid’s Old Timey Oddities & the Pits of Horror
I hope that you have a had a chance before to read the original mini-series that this is taking off from. If not, I think you’re missing out on who these characters are and how they all came together. Without a recap I think it can be compared to just picking up any comic when a new arc starts. You learn as you go who is who, but you don’t really get that feel for who they are right away. That being said, I am happy to see this bunch back again. Nothing is left behind as the action picks up almost instantly. The dialogue is fun and fresh as the mystery begins to be unraveled. A good start since it is going to be broken up over the course of the three issues. Artwork on this on is on the same level as the original mini. A very flat and dull color scheme really does wonders to not only adding to the look of the story, but also dating it. The choice of these colors makes it feel almost nostalgic, and is just the correct way to go. I love seeing these characters again, and honestly would buy any book where they were the backup story!

So when all is said and done, Buzzard #1 is a definite buy!

Decapitated Dan

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Andy

    I thumbed through it and thought the art looked great…but I still have to read GOON before I start up with this one.

  2. DecapitatedDan

    Believe it or not you would be just fine if you picked this up without having read The Goon. Buzzard was a lone character who just had the same enemy as The Goon, so his story has nothing to do with the Big Bruiser.

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