Seven Secrets #12
Publisher: BOOM!
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Colors: Walter Baiamonte & Katia Ranalli
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Daniel Di Nicuolo
Tom Taylor has been taking us on one of the most exciting yet emotionally complex adventures for the past 11 issues of Seven Secrets. So it’s no surprise that in this one he doubles down and gives us more context to the traitors, Amon and Canto. The reveal that kicked us all in the chest last issue and had jaws hitting the floor because you couldn’t tell me you saw that one coming! Sorry if this is a spoiler for you but it was in the last issue and part of the very public multi-page preview for this one.
As Taylor expands on the world building here, the flashback to Canto and Anon’s past shows a parallel with Caspar as it seems he’s not the only offspring of a Keeper and Holder. Not only that but the motivations of the The Order are called into question even more as we see that Anon isn’t just some angry bad guy out to take over the world. He’s given some layers that makes him a more interesting and compelling antagonist. Though I’m not even sure if he’s that if The Order ends up being the real bad guys here. Taylor keeps us on our toes as there’s a grey area here that might have you rooting for both sides. Or at least certain individuals representing each.
As it’s been since the first issue, Di Nicuolo brings some intense visuals along with the colors of Baiamonte and Ranalli to liven things up. From joy to despair to the intense stylized and bloody action there’s not a panel that disappoints.

I haven’t been this happily stressed over a story in quite some time but if there’s a comic you MUST have in your read pile to stress over then Seven Secrets is the one!
Infinite Speech
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