Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Wrtiter: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Simone di Meo w/ Alessio Zonno
Colors: Walter Baiamonte w/ Igor Monti
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Dan Mora
Cowabunga folks, it’s morphin time!
The wildest crossover of the year comes to an end in this issue and so far it’s been one shell of a good time! Rita and Shredder kind of teamed up, Turtles and Rangers switched roles, and giant robot fights in the middle of Central Park! Now all of that sounds great but the big question is if the creative team nails the landing with this finale?
Even with the unfortunate gap in-between issue four and this one nothing slows down the momentum the creative team has already set up. Giant mutants versus zords kicks things off and it’s an all out action packed issue. There’s so many moments here that just stand out but a lot of why this works is because Parrott nails the characters so well that the coming together of these two worlds seems perfectly natural. The dialogue is just perfect as we see the Turtles having fanboy moments over the Rangers’ zords and fully embracing their abilities. Then we have the Rangers adapting to their new situation and Parrott just giving us so much fan service without sacrificing the story one bit.
The visuals are dynamic and just as wild as the story. Di Meo and Baiamonte’s artwork delivers kinetic, dynamic fight sequences and there’s so many great scenes throughout this issue. Between the new zord we get to see and Shredder playing the Dragon Flute (yes that happened!) so much will keep your eyes entertained when you open this one up.
So this issue absolutely does stick the landing in the finale and what’s even better is that Parrott hints that there might be more with the way things are left. And if this creative team can bring that same energy back if we get a sequel then I’ll be there on day one! I’d recommend picking this series up if you’re a fan of wild crossovers, TMNT, and Power Rangers!
Infinite Speech
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