Bent-Con 2013

Bent-Con 2013

Another weekend and another convention! This time around it was Bent-Con, a smaller con but one that was still a lot of fun. The convention focuses on being a welcoming place for the LGBT fans, and has plenty of vendors and things available for all fans. There was some great cosplay and stuff on display. Let’s get to the photos!

The front way was filled to the brim with all sorts of wares.
Lots of steampunk, leather crafts, and taxidermy stuff was on sale at several booths.
I want to read the fanfic where Beast Boy teams up with Ariel to fight Black Manta.
I want to read the fanfic where Beast Boy teams up with Ariel to fight Black Manta.


Sleestaks take us all back to a Krofft-ier time.
Sleestaks take us all back to a Krofft-ier time.
I loved this Lumpy Space Princess cosplay.
I loved this Lumpy Space Princess cosplay.


Jubilation Lee was ready to make the fireworks fly.
Jubilation Lee was ready to make the fireworks fly.
I'm surprised at the skill that Hobbes cosplayer went to, just nails it.
I’m surprised at the skill that Hobbes cosplayer went to, just nails it. Also, wonderful idea to go as this dynamic duo.
Step in time!
Step in time!

I didn’t get to stick around for any of the panels going on, but the whole event seemed like a great three day weekend of hanging out with other fans for good times. There was a bar brought in to mix drinks for you if you had the money and desire. This con definitely had a feel for adults, several booths had some graphic imagery too, so if you aren’t a fan of seeing such things walking the con floor, you may want to take that into consideration. I look forward to stopping by next year as this seemed like a lot of fun and there was plenty to do. My favorite part was the selection of board games and video games available. You could play them for free at the tables they had on site. I introduced someone to Dino Hunt Dice and that was a lot of fun. It’s a great con to go to with friends for a few hours if you can’t make it for the whole event.


Dr. Alexander Bustos

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