Bento Bako Weekly: My Love Story vol 6

Bento Bako Weekly: My Love Story vol 6

mylovestory6Title: My Love Story
Author: Kazune Kawahara (story), Aruko (art)
Publisher: Viz Media (Shojo Beat)
Volume: Volume 6, $9.99
Vintage: October 2015 by Viz Media
Genre: Romantic comedy

[Volume 5 review.]

Momma Goda is having a baby! The Goda household is on pins and needles waiting for their new addition to be born. Both Takeo and his father hover around concerned, but Momma Goda continues on as always, cleaning, running errands, and generally acting like she’s not about to give birth at any moment. When the big day finally arrives, Takeo is beside himself and can’t seem to function. Fortunately, Sunakawa keeps a cool head and orchestrates everything so Mrs. Goda arrives safely at the hospital. For the first time in Takeo’s life, his mother is not the robust mountain of a woman he’s always seen her as. She is human, like everyone else. Baby and mother make it through without complications, and Takeo finds himself with a baby sister. Sunakawa and Yamato are there for support, and a softer side of Sunakawa emerges (complete with sparkling shojo flowers) as he looks down on what is essentially a miniature, female version of Takeo. Once the baby is born, Takeo is able to focus on the next big event – Valentine’s Day. As the first Valentine’s Day he’ll get to experience with someone he loves, Takeo is beyond excited to the point of distraction. Meanwhile, Yamato’s classmates beg her to teach them how to make chocolate. It comes in handy when Takeo’s friends beg him to get Yamato’s friends to meet up on Valentine’s Day. All the boys get a sweet treat, even Takeo, but it’s not the super special true love chocolate he’s waiting for. When Yamato leaves without giving him anything else, Takeo wonders if he’s made a mistake expecting something extra. Once the Valentine’s excitement is over, Takeo begins to sense that someone is following him around town. It might be time for another love story!

I sing the praises of this series every volume, and I can’t see myself stopping. There’s only a handful of manga that make me laugh as hard as My Love Story. It’s full of charm and heart. Takeo is so worried about his mother that he can’t focus at all. He wants so badly to be reliable, and ends up trying entirely too hard. As usual, Sunakawa plays support, anticipating his friend’s mental distraction. Takeo can be a big goof at times, but he has friends who care about and help him. That huge heart of his draws kind people to him. It’s great to see Mrs. Goda play a larger role this volume, as the Goda parents are typically just in the background. Aside from watching Mrs. Goda be both tough and vulnerable, some back story is provided on her relationship with Mr. Goda. Valentine’s Day goes much like Christmas in the previous volume – Yamato’s friends and Takeo’s friends get together for a party and everyone has a blast. Then Takeo experiences another life first when Yamato gives him true love chocolate. That’s all very cute, but there’s a side story about a mysterious box of candy that Sunakawa receives every year with the same note attached. Someone’s loved Sunakawa since preschool, but they’ve never signed the accompanying letter or revealed themselves. Until now. Could this mystery girl be the one to finally interest Sunakawa? Maybe you should read and find out. I mean, seriously, buy it, now. Here, I’ll help: You can buy every volume through Or physically through Amazon (or on Kindle).


Review copy provided by Viz Media.

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