The Schomberg Center’s Third Annual Black Comic Book Festival in NYC

In Harlem, on 135th Street and Lenox Avenue inside the austere halls of a research center devoted to the Afro-Caribbean experience in America, a comic book festival took place; in fact this weekend is the third time it’s happened. Maybe that’s not shocking to you but that sure as hell blew my mind. Funny that about “the times” and how they keep on changing.

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Tom Hardy Leaves ‘Suicide Squad’ Film

Tom Hardy who’s most known for his amazing performance as “Bane” in The Dark Knight Rises will not be a member of Suicide Squad, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The THR report says the actor who was set to play Rick Flagg in the film had to drop out due to scheduling issues involving the filming of Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenant and press commitments for Mad Max: Fury Road

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Marvel Reviews: Deathlok #4

The new Deathlok series is walking weird line for me. There is definitely awesome action, gorgeous artwork from Mike Perkins and several interesting ideas at play setting up Deathlok for some compelling adventures in the future. The only problem is this book has yet to cash in on any of the promise it has been seeding. One could almost be forgiven for picking up a single issue, reading it, being content and not feeling compelled to read anymore.

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