Gamex 2012!
Over Labor Day weekend at the Sheraton Hotel near LAX airport in Los Angeles, California, Strategicon was having its Gamex convention. This convention is more of a 4-day slumber party;…
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Gamex 2012!
Over Labor Day weekend at the Sheraton Hotel near LAX airport in Los Angeles, California, Strategicon was having its Gamex convention. This convention is more of a 4-day slumber party;…
Spandex: Fast and Hard Publisher: Titan Books Writer: Martin Eden Artist: Martin Eden Colorist: Martin Eden Brighton, South England is the the gay capital of the UK, as this book…
Gen 11 Publisher: Gen Manga Entertainment Writers/Artists: Junji Ohno, Richard Rodriguez, Kosuke Kabaya, love, Isora Azumi, Nukuharu, Hajime Taguchi, Ryo Hanada I was not familiar with the Gen Manga company…