Marvel is preparing for an event centering on one of the X-Men’s greatest villains, Apocalypse! The Apocalypse Wars begins in May and to celebrate we’ll be getting variant covers of various Marvel titles. All done as re-imagined Age of Apocalypse versions and they are looking good!
Here’s the first wave of images released:

You can look forward to seeing Apocalypse Wars variants for these titles as well:
Black Panther #2
Black Widow #3
Captain Marvel #5
Daredevil #7
Deadpool #11
Doctor Strange #8
Extraordinary X-Men #10
Howard the Duck #7
Invincible Iron Man #9
Ms. Marvel #7
Power Man and Iron Fist #4
The Punisher #1
Spider-Gwen #8
Thunderbolts #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #7
Uncanny Inhumans #8
Looking forward to Apocalypse Wars or maybe just a return to good X-Men stories? Let us know!
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