Marvel Reviews: A-Force #3

Marvel Reviews: A-Force #3

Aforce3A-Force #3
Publisher: Marvel
Writer(s): Kelly Thompson & G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Jorge Molina
Colorist: Matt Milla
Cover: Jorge Molina

Singularity is the “little sister” you have to look out for and that’s exactly what the ladies of A-Force have decided to do. Albeit reluctantly, since none of them were prepared for Singularity’s arrival and the dangerous creature, Antimatter, that wants to destroy her. It’s come pretty close to that these last few issues which have been a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

Thompson and Wilson have kept a pretty fast and intense pace since the first issue which has united the team pretty quickly. Through it all they have brought some solid character moments in the midst of the action heavy opening arc. Even though we have three Alpha Females on the team it’s pretty clear that She-Hulk has taken the reigns as leader. Wilson and Thompson seem to be writing Captain Marvel as her second while the other Alpha, Medusa, is a bit of a wild card. She’s royalty and accustomed to speaking her mind without being challenged. So it’s great that she is questioned by Dazzler who has no intention of backing down. There’s also some very crafty displays of power usage here and it’s going to be fun to see what else the creative team can come up with when it comes to Nico.

When it comes to the visual storytelling, Jorge Molina is moving things just as fast as the narrative is taking us. Not only nailing the huge action sequences but the subtle character expressions that sync perfectly with the dialogue. Add to this the coloring by Matt Milla and you have one great looking comic in your hands. The energy that makes up Antimatter fluctuates in pattern and intensity which is captured well as you pay attention to the color shift. The two also make sure the fight in space packs quite the punch especially the full page of She-Hulk doing some serious damage.

If there is a gripe to be had it’s that since we know how death works in these stories an impactful moment feels light. Sure it’s the catalyst that forces a character to step into a more proactive role but for the reader it might seem a bit hollow. Otherwise, A-Force is page after page of what fans have been asking for and this creative team is delivering!


Infinite Speech



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