Hey gang, welcome back to our coverage of Anime Fest 2013! Earlier this week I gave you my general (and favorable) impressions of the convention. Well, while I was there I was able to interview three voice actors, two of whom I’ve spoken to before and was therefore able to follow up with. Usually I break these up, but since I have a lot of photos I want to share later, I’m lumping them all together. Below you’ll find the audio for interviews with Greg Ayres, Stephanie Young, and Terri Doty. After that are some special treats – videos of the post cosplay skit show entertainment where two Ani Idol contestants sang as everyone awaited the judging results.

Interview with Greg Ayres (to download, right click and save as). (Bootlegfree.org)

Interview with Stephanie Young (to download, right click and save as). (You can find information on Stephanie’s band The Brehms at thebrehmsband.com.)

Interview with Terri Doty (to download, right click and save as). (The podcast we mention at the beginning is That Anime Show, which stars Terri and J. Michael Tatum.)
At the end of Sunday night’s Cosplay Skit Show, we were treated two a couple performances from Ani Idol contestants while the judges deliberated. I managed to be quick enough with my camera to record both, for anyone interested. The first is a performance by Drew (regular attendants of Anime Fest will immediately recognize him), and unfortunately I missed the names of the girls who performed second.
Broken Wings from Trinity Blood
All I can remember about this one is that it’s Gundam related (….don’t quote me on that though), which is enough, really. Gundam’s a fan mainstay.
Anyway, this is the sort of fun you miss out on by skipping Anime Fest. Including a chance to meet the above voice actors and get their autographs, plus many more guests.
Stay tuned for more cosplay photos than you could possibly wish for!