Character Spotlight: Chewbacca

He's over two hundred years young and is an accomplished warrior, pilot, and mechanic. He's able to rip your arms off and might just do that if you don't let…

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Character Spotlight: Darth Vader

One of the ultimate cautionary tales. The tragedy of a bright star fallen from grace. Where once was a well known hero, now stands a terrifying villain. Darth Vader may…

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Marvel Previews: Darth Vader #1

The most fearsome villain in the entire galaxy returns for an all-new series -- Prepare for DARTH VADER #1! This June, superstar writer Charles Soule (Poe Dameron, Astonishing X-Men) will…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/03/15

Action Comics #41 (DC) Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Pak & Kuder's Action was my favorite pre-Convergence Supes book - & they're still delivering w/ this new arc. All-New X-Men #41 (Marvel)…

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