Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05/09/12

Batgirl #9
Writer: Gail Simone
Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes, and Ulises Arreola
Cover Artist:
Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes, and Ulises Arreola

When it comes to saving the innocent, few make it look as good as the Bat Family, which has become extremely apparent in the Night of the Owls tie-in event. From the first issue of this series, civilians have died. Frequently and consistently, people have died in this series, and until now it seemed quite ridiculous. However, in this issue, because of the scope of the event, and how well the other tie-ins have been written, the death toll fades into the background; it isn’t a highlight of some mistake Batgirl made, but rather an unavoidable circumstance of events. This issue stands out from certain other Night of the Owls tie-ins for two main reasons. The first being that unlike the others, the Talon in this story has already attacked Gotham before Alfred gets his message out. In fact, Barbara has no idea what she’s up against until almost halfway through the book. The second is that for the first time I felt sorry for the Talon. Now, in almost all cases the Talon has been shown to be chosen young, offered a chance at a grand life, but in this Talon’s case she had been gravely injured, scarred, and then thrust into this world where she was forced to kill. Gail Simone did a great job presenting this story, where Batgirl was a hero, but the Talon was more of a victim than a criminal. 4.5/5

Batman #9
Writer: Scott Snyder
Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO, Rafael Albuquerque, and Dave McCaig
Cover Artists:
Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO

Undeniably one of the greatest Batman stories ever told, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO have been putting out one brilliant issue after the other since the very first issue, and this one is no different. The issue starts off just seconds from where the last ended, with Bruce suited up to keep the Owls at bay, while Alfred turns the batcave into a frozen wasteland. As easy as that sounds, the battle was far from it. But as we’ve come to expect from Snyder, a fight is never just a fight; it’s an opportunity to tell a story. In this case, the story was about bats, unsurprisingly enough, but the metaphoric meaning behind the story was fantastic. Reading that part of the story, you start to think that maybe, just maybe, things are about to turn in favor of Batman. Of course, then Lincoln March was killed, and he has always been portrayed as being almost identical to Bruce. The art team on this book just keeps getting better and better. With every issue this group of artists has created a grand, magnificent world for Batman. The action panels jump right off the page, the slightest changes in emotions are finely captured; what Snyder brings with words, they capture with glorious art. Not only is the main story great, but the backup story in the back is just as fantastic. Following the old Wayne butler, Jarvis Pennyworth, in the final moments of his life, we’re getting a glimpse of this Court of Owls that is likely to leave a lasting impression. 5/5

Batman and Robin #9
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artists: Lee Garbett, Andy Clarke , Ray McCarthy, Keith Champagne, and John Kalisz
Cover Artists: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, and John Kalisz
Publisher: DC

For all the fans of Damian out there, this is the issue you have been waiting for that highlights just how amazing the kid is, because as great as the first arc was, Damian was portrayed in a rather shady light. Like most of the other tie-ins, this issue begins with a distress call from good old Alfred, with Damian on the other end of the line receiving orders. After a brief moment where Damian argues that he should be rushing to help Bruce, he races over to protect Major General Burrows, who just happens to be in the middle of a military base. The location actually works out remarkably well, considering Damian’s history, which gives him weapons and soldiers to command. What has been said of this event is that the tie-ins aren’t necessary, and this issue is living proof of that. The issue is completely self-contained, other than Alfred’s plea, and it works well because of that. Damian has frequently been portrayed as whiny and jealous of his siblings, but at the end of the day, he has been trained since birth to be a warrior and a leader. 4/5

Superboy #9/Legion Lost #9
Scott Lobdell and Tom DeFalco
RB Silva, Rob Lean, Iban Coello, Richard Horie,  Tanya Horie, Pete Woods, and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists:
Alex Collazzo and Ian Churchill

Considering this is a crossover event, and I don’t regularly read Legion Lost, a combined review felt necessary. Harvest, the big bad of the event, has been portrayed as this ominous, mysterious character in both the Teen Titans and Superboy. However, until now he was just that, a looming villain, a shadow in the dark. Once he presents himself, in all his glory, he’s even more terrifying than imagined. His knowledge and technology make him out to be a man from the future, his powers appear to be limitless and unmatched, and like most mad men, he claims to be doing this to save lives. Overall both issues deliver a terrific story filled with some amazing action, as well as a nice bit of storytelling. The cast is still just as large as ever, yet the story doesn’t falter. Lobdell and DeFalco are doing a tremendous job working with such a large group of characters while still presenting a compelling story. 4.5/5

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Arnab Pradhan

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