Gotta Have It! Statue Edition: Hellcat Mini Bust

banner Trained by the Titanian princess, Moondragon, and outfitted in a form-fitting catsuit that enhances her agility, speed, and the powers of suggestion, Patricia Walker is the Defender known as Hellcat! Sculpted by Jim Maddox, this mini-bust measures over 6″ tall and comes fully painted and ready to display. – Hill City Comics

Manufacturer: Bowen Designs
Released: November 2007 (Limited to 1500)
Retail Price: US $58.00

As a teen, Patricia “Patsy” Walker was written into comic books by her mother, a writer who used Patsy and her friends as a basis for teen humor and romance stories. Patsy grew up surrounded by fantastic tales of super heroes, so when she met X-Man and Avenger, Beast, she was ecstatic. Stumbling upon a catsuit that enhanced her natural abilities when helping the Avengers, Patsy created her Hellcat persona and has been helping to fight crime and tackle other super-hero-y problems since.

Packaging: Much like other Bowen boxes, Hellcat comes in a 4-color box with a gray background and picture of the bust on each panel. On the back, of course, is a short description.

Assembly: None; take her out of the box and display. I love “no assembly required”!

Here kitty, kitty...
Here kitty, kitty...

The Statue: Bowen does yet another great bust. Hellcat is clad in her yellow catsuit with navy gloves and belt, knotted to her left side, leaving the ends dangling loosely down towards the base. Her blue cowl is decorated with yellow arching eyebrows and pointed “cat ears,” and her red tresses roll in waves across her shoulders and down her back from underneath the back of the cowl.

Sans legs, Hellcat is perched atop a black base that is smooth save for three claw marks, where she was presumably testing the sharpness of her claws. She has her head turned to her right, where her slit cat-like eyes are focused. Hellcat is standing upright with her hands posed into claws, left forearm parallel to the ground, right hanging at her side.

The sculpt is nice, and the paint job pretty good as well. There is some minor bleeding in places, especially on the edge of her right glove. I really like the blue paint, as it “sparkles” and has visual texture. I have to say I’m a little disappointed at the lack of emotion in Hellcat’s face; I think she would have looked better with maybe a snarl or smirk or something along those lines. Show us some personality, Bowen Designs!

Rating: 4 out of 5; good for a 6” bust, and Bowen is one of the best in the business. Again, I’d have like to have seen more emotion, and there is some paint bleeding.

Pose Profile

Upcoming Releases: Mr. Sinister 12” Statue
Sculpted by Seth Vandable and being produced with semi translucent base. Estimated to ship in 4th Quarter 2009, so he should be out sometime soon.

Kelly McNamara

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Eli

    I like this one, looks good. That upcoming release though is gonna be cool, I love Sinister.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    not a big hellcat fan actually but the statue looks pretty good. I do agree that with a costume as simplistic as hers that there should have been some more facial emotion to give it some more character. I thought the same thing about their Falcon statue. Good review Kelly!

  3. Kelly

    Mr. Sinister is going to look bad-a$$, Eli. 🙂

    Thanks Speech. It’s a good statue, but needs more, you know?

  4. Andy

    I have the Iceman Bowen Bust. I think the majority of this line is pretty solid stuff.

  5. billy

    Nice bust…

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