Avengers Assemble! Part 4

Welcome to an exciting look into the latest incarnation of the New Avengers! This book is going to feature a lot of the characters from volume 1 of this series, but it looks great and has a fantastic creative team behind it.

New Avengers #1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Art: Stuart Immonen
OK, so first up I have to say that I really loved the first volume of New Avengers by Bendis. I think he did a great job of story-telling, and also setting up future events. I was a tiny bit skeptical about Immonen’s artwork at first, but I eventually came to love it. This is why I have such high expectations for this new volume. I, for one, wasn’t let down in this first issue. It started off with one of my favorite heroes, Dr. Strange, paying a visit to Daimon Hellstrom. The meeting turns ugly rather quickly, and then we see Luke Cage being given the keys to Avengers Mansion. The scene then switches to a now possessed Hellstrom and Strange attacking Doctor Voodoo and his brother Daniel. Well, needless to say, all hell breaks loose from there…literally.

It seems all the mystical mayhem that’s been happening over the course of the last few years has brought about some kind of magical Armageddon with a fiery demon leading the charge. My guess is Dormmamu or Mephisto, but hey, who knows how Bendis will spin this. As long as Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, and the rest of the New Avengers are in this book, I’m there! Hey, if you want even more Avengers action, check out Avengers: Spotlight and Avengers Prime #1 in stores now!
Billy Dunleavy

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Nice write up man! I did enjoy the first issue though I wasn’t sure why the renumbering when it just could have continued in the New Avengers series because basically they are the “new avengers” so to speak.

  2. [A]

    Nice art, I gotta say..

  3. The Angery Comic Critic

    the arts nice without a doubt but what was the point of restarting the series when it was going strong and just from a collector’s standpoint it’s annoying when they screw around with numbering like they did with Amazing spider-man back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s and when they did the same thing with the current Captain America series by bringing it back to it’s original number I say when you do a series stick to the original numbering and if your canceling a series cancel it don’t just restart the numbering.

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