Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 3/31/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews. Here you can find out what we here at thought of this past week’s books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #2 (Radical)
Andy: The story of Aladdin like you’ve never seen it before! Screw Disney, this Aladdin’s the shiznit! Great art too.

The Amazing Spider-Man #627 (Marvel)
Andrew: Not bad. A little slow. But not bad. Classic Spidy. Great art.
Andy: Unfortunately not what I was expecting.
Aron: Lee Weeks on art duty. Beautiful. Oh, yeah…the story is okay at best.

Blackest Night #8 (DC)
Andrew: The future of the DCU is looking both bright and bleak. I can’t wait for Brightest Day!
Andy: Blackest Night ends with a grand slam. Lots of unanswered questions and excitement heading into Brightest Day!
Aron: Hmmm…that’s it, huh? What now? So many questions. It didn’t end. It has just begun.

Cloak & Dagger One-Shot (Marvel)
Andy: Great art and an interesting story that could develop down the road. Definitely worth a look.
Jeff: Perfect pilot for an on-going. I would definitely collect it if done by Moore & Brooks.

Dark Wolverine #84 (Marvel)
Andy: It’s bad ass because Daken kills a bunch of Asgardians on his own…but then he kisses Bullseye. Yeah. WTF.

Detective Comics #863 (DC)
Andrew: Greg Rucka and Batwoman are amazing together. But the art doesn’t impress me much.
Andy: My initial reaction was “meh”, but then I saw the last page and got excited.

Fantastic Four #577 (Marvel)
Andrew: The classic sci-fi you want from the FF, guest starring the Inhumans, but hopefully next issue will be more interesting.
Damn those scheming Inhumans.

God of War #1 (Wildstorm)
Andrew: Pretty cool art, but not the story I was expecting from Marv Wolfman.

Gotham City Sirens #10 (DC)
Not the title’s highest point, but still pretty good. Paul Dini always delivers.
Great art but the story was kinda lame, mainly because of the main villain. Even so, The Riddler is way cooler as a good guy.

Green Hornet #2 (Dynamite)
Andy: I hate to admit it, but I’m enjoying this series. Especially the art; clean and detailed.
Aron: Just when I thought I was going to fall asleep…SKRASH!! Awesome!

Hack/Slash #30 (Devils Due)
Decapitated Dan: I tried again. I just can’t seem to like this book. Maybe with the Image restart I can finally jump on.

Jack of Fables #44 (Vertigo)
Andy: Jack Frost is way cooler than his father!

Justice League of America #43 (DC)
Andy: This was a Rise and Fall tie-in? Uh, ok. Can this team stay consistent for more than one issue? Please?

The Littlest Zombie #1 (Antarctic)
Decapitated Dan: Fun! A great issue! This is what I want in a fun zombie story. Now I need more!

New Mutants #11 (Marvel)
Andy: So THAT’S what Moonstar agreed to do for Hela when she was granted Valkeryie powers by her in Utopia. Cool!
Jeff: They really could have done something cool with the favor that Dani owed Hela and they dropped the ball just so they could tie in with Siege.

Prelude to Deadpool Corps #5 (Marvel)
Aron: Parts made me laugh out loud. The art made me throw up in my mouth. It was like the characters from the cartoon Reboot put on Deadpool costumes.

RASL #7 (Cartoon Books)
Andy: I love this series but it takes too damn long in between issues. I feel like I’m missing a lot I can’t remember.
Kristin: More Tesla, more back story, more…explosions? Uh-oh….

Realm of Kings: Inhumans #5 (Marvel)
Andy: Is Thanos here yet?
Aron: Medusa is a biotch! Another Inhumans mini ends. When, oh when, will we get an ongoing?

Star Wars Legacy #46 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be a Sith right now…and for the first time ever, I felt bad when Imperials died.

The Sword #23 (Image)
Andy: Ho. Lee. Shit. AWESOME!!

Teen Titans #81 (DC)
Andy: This series continues on its mundane course. Things are getting better but not by much. I’m liking the Ravager second feature though.

Usagi Yojimbo #127 (Dark Horse)
Aron: Another hare-raising tail that proves this bunny is a BADASS!

The Waking #2 (Zenescope)
Aron: Hold on tight! The ride has started!

Wonder Woman #42 (DC)
Kristin: Someone got some Green Lanterns in my Wonder Woman

Wolverine Origins #46 (Marvel)
Andy: I like the direction of this final arc for the series. A good issue, but we’ll see how it holds up down the line.
Jeff: What happened? Why on earth did they side-track the story about Wolverine’s plan against Romulus?

X-Force #25 (Marvel)
Andy: A pretty solid ending to Necrosha and maybe X-Force period. Loved the Elixer vs. Wither battle.
Jeff: Fantastic ending to a meh event. Wish it wasn’t smooshed against Second Coming.

X-men Second Coming (Marvel)
Andy: Well, here it is, the X-Event of X-Events! For the love of all things sacred- read it!!
Aron: I think the fit just hit the shan. And doesn’t Cable look like Ted Danson on the cover?
Decapitated Dan: Kinda getting me back into it but then pages run out and no Iceman. Pass! I don’t know how you find these likeable characters.
Jeff: Great first chapter of this crossover! Hearkened back to X-Tinction Agenda in a good way.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Jeff I see you and I agree about the X-Tinction agenda connection in regards the the first chapter of Second Coming!

  2. andrewhurst

    I may have to start picking up Second Coming. Suck Teen Titans went down the toilet. that was my fav book back when Geoff Johns was on it.

  3. Billy

    @Andy- Wasn’t it Elixr vs Wither?

  4. Andy

    What do you mean? That’s what it says!

    : D

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