Marvel World 2: January 1977
Editor/publishers: Michael J. Brocha and Andy Herman
Here we have another zine I did not know existed! This issue of Marvel World appears to be primarily a collection of InterFan material (see the column on InterFan here), and a good amount of it, too! Above you see the front and back cover, one featuring an homage to Gene Colan by the incredible inker Tom Palmer, while the other is by fan stalwart and fave of mine, Dennis Fujitake. Let’s get to the heat of the meat, as Mr. Colbert says!
This issue is stuffed with strips, sirs and madames! The first one is a somewhat Kirby-esque piece (and, in fact, I am pretty sure the couple you see below are supposed to be Jack and Roz) that, like many films, doesn’t get to the title page for a good while! In fact, the title does not come until the end…and the “end” seems a little strangely placed….maybe this was continued in a later issue? Regardless, check out a few pages below.
Not much in the way of pin ups or spot illos in this fanzine, folks…but, below is a monstrously good one from Phipps and De la Rosa.
The second story is another InterFan populated piece with a poignant ending.
Let’s see another pin up…this time a double page spread, in all his early Ditko influenced glory, let’s hear it for Dennis Fujitake!
The third story starts out with a really gorgeous and evocative Steranko like double page spread with a really cool looking main character. The rest of the art is ok compared to the opening, but not too shabby!
Guess what, time for another pin up!
Doug bemoans his early fairly thick inking style, but actually, that is really drew me to his stuff then…super clean and bold. Time for story four below.
In the only text piece of the issue, the industry vet, Dean Mullaney examines, at length, Dr. Strange. The article is illuminated by a nice Fujitake piece below, as well as a spot by Dave Simons.
The last story is another “trick ending” sorta thing, but pretty entertaining while it lasts, if for the dialogue only. Check it out below.
…and with a very tiny bang and no whimpers, the zine ends! I thought the stories in this zine were pretty interesting overall, not your standard super hero battles…maybe I can track down a copy of issue one of Marvel World?
Thanks for tuning into another installment of Ink Stains! The big slam bang coverage by Mirthsome Manny Maris of Fandom Annual will have to wait until next month, memsahibs! Don’t forget to download the pdf of the whole issue from my site at Thanks to Neil Reihle for the scans of this fanzine and see you next month!
Ken Meyer Jr.
Never saw this one either! Wow!
I’ve been gone a while but it’s great to come back to Ink Stains, Ken! Comics seemed so different back then and it’s good I can come here and see this
thanks, guys! nice to see some comments once in awhile!