Justice League ‘Snyder Cut’ Coming to HBO Max!

Justice League ‘Snyder Cut’ Coming to HBO Max!

Well it looks like the highly anticipated and feverishly demanded Snyder Cut version of the Justice League film will be coming to HBO Max next year! This is huge news for the new streaming service as the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut following on Twitter along with actors from the film have been quite vocal regarding their support behind this version seeing the light of day for quite some time. The news was announced earlier today by Snyder and Henry Cavill during a live commentary of Man of Steel Snyder said:

“I want to thank HBO Max and Warner Brothers for this brave gesture of supporting artists and allowing their true visions to be realized,” Snyder said. “Also a special thank you to all of those involved in the #SnyderCut movement for making this a reality.”

For those that might not remember, Snyder had to leave Justice League before the film was completed after his daughter had passed away. So Joss Whedon was brought in to finish. With that came changes and audiences were left quite disappointed with what ended up on the big screen. Snyder himself has yet to see the theatrical version of the film. This is most likely a good thing since he won’t be haunted by that weird CGI fiasco that was Superman’s face.

According to the Hollywood Reporter whether the Snyder Cut of Justice League could be released as an extended 4 hour director’s cut or in several chapters has yet to be determined. However, this is a huge win for those that have been waiting for years to experience what they feel is the “true vision” for the Justice League movie.

“It will be an entirely new thing, and, especially talking to those who have seen the released movie, a new experience apart from that movie,”

Zack Snyder

For those who were thoroughly let down by the theatrical cut of the film maybe this will be the version that wins them over. Maybe the Snyder Cut will give us a live action version of the Justice League that the fans deserve. Or at least it will allow Snyder to share his completed version the way he intended before unfortunate circumstances forced him to leave. And for the ones who enjoyed Justice League hopefully this will just enhance their experience. So which one will you be?

Infinite Speech

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