Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 3/08/17

Action Comics #975 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Really? Him?? That was one serious letdown of a reveal after all of that hype.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Kudos to the creative team for using a fun bit of DC history for the fake Clark reveal. Great Dini back-up!
NickZ: It was cool bringing back that character after so long but they could have done so much more with the whole “fake” Clark story line

All-New Wolverine #18 (Marvel)
NickZ: This was actually a really good arc that has evolved Laura’s character to the next level. She is Wolverine!

Astro City #42 (Vertigo)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Very thought-provoking 1-off story exploring an old villain who’s been lost. Almost like “Castaway” for comics

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8 (DC)
NickZ: That awkward moment when the Dick you and your coworker have both had shows up at your work.

Copperhead #11 (Image)
NickZ: Copperhead is FINALLY back! Faeber and Moss didn’t waste a single second diving straight into this new arc with gusto!

Detective Comics #952 (DC)
Arnab: It really just sucks to be Cassandra.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Some good fight scenes with Lady Shiva, & interesting premise, but needs more background on her motives.
NickZ: I hate when they try to build up a villain by having them easily defeat Batman. I don’t care who it is, Batman is not easy to defeat…PERIOD!

Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: Now that was a really well done choose your own adventure-type story! Kudos to Thompson and Rodriguez.

Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Decent character-driven story, but not a ton happens in this issue to propel the story forward.

Flash #18 (DC)
InfiniteSpeech: Williamson delivers another great issue and I’m pretty sure Amanda Waller was lying!
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Continues building the relationship with Barry and “new” Wally, and sets-up a new arc with Captain Boomerang.

Gotham Academy Second Semester #7 (DC)
NickZ: Things got real dark, real fast! Olive has finally lost it!

Green Valley #6 (Image)
NickZ: I love how unpredictable this book continues to be and I also think Camuncoli’s art mixed with Beaulieu’s colors is fantastic!

Harrow County #21 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: I’m not a usual reader of horror comics but Harrow County won’t stop being so damn good!

Inhumans vs X-Men #6 (Marvel)
Arnab: That kinda ended really quick, without a satisfying ending.
NickZ: An interesting ending/new beginning for both the X-Men and Inhumans. It’s unfair the way they scapegoated that one character and this is coming from someone who doesn’t even like her.

Justice League of America #2 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. The team roster is cool, but the story so far has been lack-luster & missing what should be fun.
NickZ: I was hoping this book would get better with it’s second issue…I hoped in vain.

Lady Killer 2 #3 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Joelle Jones keeps giving us panel after amazing panel of awesome storytelling! And Irving hurt the dog so he HAS to go.

Low #16 (Image)
NickZ: Interesting way to go, returning with a flashback issue. I can’t wait to see how these events impact the present.

Mosaic #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A step in the right direction for this title as Mosaic finally reaches the Inhuman Royal Family.

Motor Crush #4 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Domino’s origin just got even crazier in this issue and I’m here for it!

Old Man Logan #19 (Marvel)
NickZ: Logan is just as foolhardy and stubborn as ever! I loved the bit when he visited all the people with potential time traveling abilities.

Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #2 (BOOM!/DC)
Infinite Speech: Guy Gardener just made the biggest worst decision since The Guardians let him keep his power ring! If you’re a fan of either franchise I’d advise picking this up!

Red Hood and the Outlaws #8 (DC)
NickZ: Artemis’ back story revealed some interesting Amazon history. Rocafort’s Wonder Woman was pretty bad ass looking too!

ROM #7 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: If you’re not reading this then your pull list is sorely lacking! A deep and rich sci-fi adventure from cover to cover.

Spider-Man Deadpool #15 (Marvel)
Arnab: The only Spider-Man or Deadpool book you should be reading.
NickZ: This book is worth it just for all the Blade/Wesley Snipe jokes that Deadpool makes.

Supergirl #7 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. An okay 1-off filler issue, but doesn’t really do much to advance the overall story or explore Kara’s character.

Titans #9 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I have a love/hate relationship with Booth’s art but it’s great seeing Wally and Dick banter again.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #18 (Marvel)
NickZ: Leave it to North and Henderson to introduce a character who lives by a twisted version of Spider-Man’s beloved mantra.

The Wicked + The Divine #27 (Image)
NickZ: This issue is probably the best case study for each of the remaining gods. It’s so fascinating to see what drives them now.

Wonder Woman #18 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. An excellent character-driven issue that explores the background of some of Diana’s villains.

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