Marvel Reviews: Occupy Avengers #1

Marvel Reviews: Occupy Avengers #1

5503791-0occaven2016001_dc11_lr-0Occupy Avengers #1
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: David Walker
Artist: Carlos Pacheco
Colorist: Sonia Oback
Cover: Agustin Alessio

So what do you do after having a pivotal role in the latest superhero civil war by killing one of your long time friends? You desperately try to remove yourself from the public eye and attempt to get your mind right and make sense of all the crazy. This is where we find Hawkeye in this new series by David Walker. Getting as far away from New York and doing a little social justice while on the way to find himself again.

I try not to go into a series with my mind already made up especially when it focuses on a character that’s not really one I like. However, Walker is a writer who has a knack for telling some very powerful themed stories while making sure you can enjoy the main character even when they’re very flawed. This is something he brings to the forefront here as we get inside of Hawkeye’s head and we see how the character is dealing with his new level of notoriety his recent actions have brought. This is actually a huge selling point of the entire issue so if a guy like me who barely likes Hawkeye can enjoy it then you longtime fans out there should really get into this story. Walker also pairs the Avenger with Red Wolf as they investigate water contamination of a nearby reservation in New Mexico. The pair seem like a natural fit under Walker’s script which has a damn near perfect balance of real world issues and straight up comic book action for the reader with some biting humor thrown in to keep it real. And speaking of “keeping it real” hats off to Walker for having Hawkeye retrieve his arrows after the big fight. This might not be a big thing to some but the guy has a finite supply and for the sequence to be added in shows a nice attention to detail and a need for some realism.

Telling the story with Walker is Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Fonteriz, and Sonia Oback who provide some exciting visuals throughout Occupy Avengers. There is nothing here that fails to move this along and tell a visual story just as fun as the narrative. Pacheco keeps Hawkeye with a very cool demenor during the fight which matches the thoughts made available to us from Walker. There’s a great amount of detail that not only enhances the kinetic action sequences but the meet and greet in the beginning is just as fun. This art team is in sync all the way so hopefully we’ll see them for some time now this title with Walker.

When its all said and done Occupy Avengers #1 is a comic that is worth your time and money. The story is starting off as a strong one with a great art team to help bring it to life. And though Walker hasn’t made me want to go out and get a Hawkeye t-shirt and take up archery I recognize a good story when I see one so I’ll stick around and see where it goes. You should as well.

Infinite Speech

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