Small towns can hide some of the strangest secrets and people. Josuke Higashikata knows this all too well, since he’s one of those strange residents! What makes Josuke weird and what’s up with his town? Let’s find out!

Josuke Higashikata is the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar and his employee, Tomoko Higashikata. He never got to meet his father, the man having gone back to America without even knowing he had a son. When Josuke was very little, he fell extremely ill with no explanation as to how, why, or what was causing it. While his mother rushed him to the hospital, their car had gotten stuck in the snow but a kindly stranger, a teenager with a pompadour, would help get them back on the road. Though Josuke never learned who the stranger was, he took on the man’s hairstyle as a way of honoring him and would fight anyone who insulted the look.

Josuke would eventually recover from his illness almost as quickly as he had gained it. Something that Josuke would discover some time after being sick was he now had some creature bound to him, invisible to all but him, he named it Crazy Diamond. This being allowed Josuke to heal people miraculously, even from the brink of death, but not heal himself; he also could repair things as long as he had a fragment of the original. Keeping this power a secret, since no one seemed able to see his invisible friend, Josuke would do his best to only use his powers to help.

Living happily with his mother and grandfather, Josuke would live a fairly normal life in the town of Morioh. This would change when he met a man who introduced himself as Josuke’s nephew, Jotaro Kujo, and explained how they were related. Jotaro would go on to say that he could also see Josuke’s invisible friend, having one of his own, and explained to Josuke what Stands are and that part of why he was in town was that there was a sudden influx of Stand users in Morioh and it was growing. He warned Josuke that someone may have the ability to give people Stands and that it could be incredibly dangerous for everyone.

Josuke would immediately get caught up in weird encounters with Stand users who were all too willing to use theirs to be deadly or for their own selfish reasons. Josuke’s grandfather would become the victim of one such Stand user; Josuke’s power was only able to repair the damage to his grandfather’s corpse, not heal him anymore. Josuke now realized what kind of threats and costs were on the line. Now dedicated, Josuke would help stop any Stand user who decided to use their Stand for evil.

As the school year went on, Josuke would make new friends, often with people who had been given Stands from a mysterious arrowhead that pierced them. Teaming up with his new friends, he would also work with his nephew and even get to meet his father while dealing with all this. More Stand users were popping up and Josuke was going to find out why. To make matters worse, one of these Stand users was a serial killer whose Stand allows to more easily commit their murders and hide the evidence.

There you have it! Josuke Higashikata is the fourth member of the Joestar line to star in their own adventure. Josuke’s world is a supernatural slice of life monster of the week murder mystery, standard JoJo stuff really. He’s also one of the few JoJos to have a live-action version. He’s also one of two JoJos to get another bizarre adventure, but as a completely different person! Confused? We’ll get there soon enough. Until then, see you next time!

Suggested Reading
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Dr. Bustos
after reading this I guess everything I heard about the story is true because it sounds bananas!
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